
Julio Alvarez

Julio Alvarez, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Single-Droplet/cell electrochemistry

biophysical electrochemistry

protein aggregation and condensation

Indika Arachchige

Indika U. Arachchige, Ph.D.

Director of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions

and Professor

Quantum dots

metal/semiconductor aerogels

metal phosphides nanocatalysts

David Behmke

Derek Behmke, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

and General Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator

rodney the ram

Katherine Belecki, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor

Natural Product Biosynthesis

Biocatalyst Development and Engineering

Biomimetic Organic Synthesis

Everett Carpenter

Everett Carpenter, Ph.D.

Co-Director of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Program

and Professor

Inorganic chemistry

additive manufacturing

magnetic materials

Maryanne Collinson

Maryanne M. Collinson, Ph.D.

Department Chair

and John B. Fenn Professor in Chemistry



electrochemical sensing

Michael Crawford

Michael Crawford, Ph.D.

Teaching Assistant Professor

Charlene Crawley

Charlene Crawley, Ph.D.

Teaching Associate Professor

and Coordinator, B.S. Interdisciplinary Science Program

Ashton Cropp

Ashton Cropp, Ph.D.


Organic chemistry

Synthetic genetic code expansion

Ubiquitin protein chemistry

Soma Dhakal

Soma Dhakal, Ph.D.

Graduate Program Director

and Associate Professor

Single-Molecule Sensing

Fluorescence Microscopy

Biomarker Detection

Hani El-Kaderi

Hani El-Kaderi, Ph.D.


inorganic chemistry

porous organic polymers

covalent organic frameworks

Samy El-Shall

M. Samy El-Shall, Ph.D.

Mary Eugenia Kapp Chair in Chemistry

and Professor


molecular clusters

graphene and carbon nanotubes

Constance Franklin

Constance Franklin, Ph.D.

Organic Lab Coordinator

and Teaching Assistant Professor

Brian Fuglestad

Brian Fuglestad, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Protein function

Protein inhibition

Membrane model development

Robert Giles

Robert L. Giles, Ph.D.

Teaching Assistant Professor

Fabio Gomes

Fabio Gomes, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Mass Spectrometry

Separation Sciences

Native top-down proteomics

Amanda L. Harris

Amanda L. Harris, Ph.D.

Teaching Associate Professor

Matthew Hartman

Matthew C.T. Hartman, Ph.D.


Organic chemistry

unnatural peptide libraries

light-enabled drug delivery

Max Holle

Maxwell J. Holle, Ph.D.

Teaching Assistant Professor

Nick Kuklinski

Nick Kuklinski, Ph.D.

Teaching Associate Professor

Ka Un Lao

Ka Un Lao, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Electronic structure theory

quantum chemistry

noncovalent interactions

rodney the ram

Heather R. Lucas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Metals in Biology

Bioinorganic and Biomimetic Catalysis

Protein Assembly and Aggregation

Sherif Moussa

Sherif Moussa, Ph.D.

Teaching Associate Professor

Deborah Polo

Deborah Polo

Director of Student Learning Outcomes

and Teaching Associate Professor

Yun Qu

Yun Qu, Ph.D.

Director of NMR Resource

and Service Professor

Suzanne Ruder

Suzanne Ruder, Ph.D.

Associate Chair

and Professor

Vladimir Sidorov

Vladimir Sidorov, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Organic synthesis

Josh Sieber

Josh D. Sieber, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Organic synthesis

asymmetric catalysis

medicinal and process chemistry

Mychal D. Smith

Mychal Smith, Ph.D.

Teaching Associate Professor

Katharine Tibbetts

Katharine Moore Tibbetts, Ph.D.

Associate Professor


laser synthesis

ultrafast dissociation dynamics

Joseph Turner

Joseph Turner, Ph.D.

Director of Instrumentation

and Service Professor

Xuewei Wang

Xuewei Wang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Chemical Sensing


Organic Nanoparticles