Placement Test and ALEKS

ALEKS modules are not available to students right now, the current course expires today and we are working on changes. Should be back online in a week or two (from today 2/26/25)

The chemistry placement test is an online test used to place students into an appropriate general chemistry course.

VCU may require incoming students to take the chemistry placement test (at no charge) in order to determine which chemistry course they are eligible to register for based on their background knowledge in their first semester of enrollment.

Students who earn a passing score on the test will be eligible to register for General Chemistry I (CHEM 101), as long as they also have the math prerequisites.

Students who earn below a passing score will have two options:

Only after completing one of those two options can a student move on to take CHEM 101. We highly recommend that students go through the ALEKS chemistry module as it is much cheaper than a full semester course at VCU.

Do I have to take the chemistry placement test?

Any student planning on registering for CHEM 101 must take the chemistry placement test. This includes current VCU students, incoming freshmen, returning students and transfer students (including those who have taken AP Chemistry). The chemistry placement test itself is a prerequisite for CHEM 101. Below are groups of students who will likely have to complete CHEM 101 for their degree.

  • Bioinformatics
  • Biology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical and Life Science Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Communication Arts (Scientific Illustration Concentration)
  • Computer Engineerings
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Studies
  • Forensic Science
  • Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Medical Laboratory Services
  • Physics (Nanoscience Concentration)
  • Physics (Premed Concentration)
  • Pre-Dental Hygiene
  • Science

If you have already taken the chemistry placement test and it has expired, please email so we can assist you.

ALEKS Chemistry Module

ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces) is an online adaptive assessment and learning tool that is used for General Chemistry I (CHEM 101) placement. This tool identifies critical prerequisite knowledge including foundational scientific concepts and chemistry-related mathematical skills. Success in CHEM 101 is highly dependent upon students entering the course with the required skills.

To access the ALEKS chemistry assessment, you will purchase an access code using the button below. Choose the subscription length of time you believe you would like. We recommend an 11 week subscription ($39.69), but you may choose 6 weeks if you feel you can complete it in that time. Extensions must be handled through ALEKS support and additional payment may be required.

Access ALEKS here

ALEKS cannot be used to place into CHEM 101 if a grade of D or F was already earned in CHEM 100. Those students must retake CHEM 100 to meet the CHEM 101 prerequisite.

Taking the assessment

Once purchased, students will take the initial assessment online, at a time and place convenient for them, or at the VCU Campus Testing Center. This should take between 50 to 90 minutes to complete. Students will require paper and a pencil/pen to complete the initial assessment. Personal calculators should not be used. A calculator will be provided by ALEKS when needed.

  • If a student successfully completes the assessment by obtaining 100% mastery on their first attempt, they are now ready for CHEM 101. Scores will be processed, and the student should be able to register in one to two business days.
  • If, after taking the assessment, they are told that they still have topics to learn/refresh, a pie chart showing these topics will be visible and they can click on topics in the pie to learn these areas. They will need to complete all topics in order to obtain the 100% mastery required to complete the ALEKS chemistry assessment and to subsequently be eligible to register for CHEM 101. Students will be periodically reassessed until they obtain 100% master of the core topics. Once they have finished, scores will be processed, and the student should be able to register in one to two business days.