Ashton Cropp

Ashton Cropp, Ph.D.


Oliver Hall, room 3047

Organic chemistry

Synthetic genetic code expansion

Ubiquitin protein chemistry


  • NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, The Scripps Research Institute, 2002-2004
  • Ph.D, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2002
  • B.S., Western Carolina University, 1997

Research Interests

  • Synthetic genetic code expansion
  • Ubiquitin protein chemistry

Select Publications

Li Y, Reed M*, Wright HT, Cropp TA, Williams GJ. Development of Genetically Encoded Biosensors for Reporting the Methyltransferase-Dependent Biosynthesis of Semisynthetic Macrolide Antibiotics. ACS Synth Biol. 2021 doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.1c00151.

Zhou, H.,Cheung, J.W.*, Carpenter, T., Jones, S., Luong, N.H., Tran, N.C., Jacobs, S.E., Cropp, T.A., Yin, J. Enhancing the incorporation of pyrrolysyl derivatives into proteins with the methylester form of unnatural amino acids. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2020, 30, 126876.

Braxton CN, Quartner E, Pawloski W, Fushman D, Cropp TA. Ubiquitin chains bearing genetically encoded photo-crosslinkers enable efficient covalent capture of (poly)ubiquitin-binding domains. Biochemistry. 2019 Jan 22. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b01089.

Kasey CM, Zerrad M, Li Y, Cropp TA, Williams GJ. Development of Transcription Factor-Based Designer Macrolide Biosensors for Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology. ACS Synth Biol. 2018, 7, 227-239.

Ring CM, Iqbal ES, Hacker DE, Hartman MCT, Cropp TA. Genetic incorporation of 4-fluorohistidine into peptides enables selective affinity purification. Org Biomol Chem. 2017,15, 4536-4539.