Financial Support

Financial support is available for graduate students who meet the criteria for the scholarships and fellowships below.  

We also offer teaching and research assistantships to help support your educational goals. All Ph.D. students in good standing are funded through their first five years on campus.

Application Fee Waiver

Application fee waivers are possible for both domestic and international students.  If you are interested, email


All incoming graduate students are automatically considered for teaching assistantships, which provide a stipend in exchange for assisting in laboratory preparation and assistance. Research assistantships are also possible for subsequent years and during the summer semester, depending on the choice of a research advisor and the availability of external funds. Tuition is covered when a student is a full-time TA or RA in the Department of Chemistry.  


  • James V. Quagliano Fellowship in Chemistry: The family of James V. Quagliano, Ph.D., established this endowment in 2005 in his memory. Quagliano was the husband of Lidia M. Vallarino Quagliano, Ph.D., professor in the VCU Department of Chemistry. The scholarship is awarded to a Ph.D. candidate in chemistry who demonstrates academic merit and need and who has successfully completed his/her cumulative exams.
  • Drs. Billy L. Stump and Raphael M. Ottenbrite Fellowship in Chemistry: This scholarship was established to honor the teaching, scholarship and mentoring of Billy Stump, Ph.D., (posthumous) and Raphael Ottenbrite, Ph.D., former professors of chemistry at VCU. The fellowship is designated for a graduate student summer fellowship in the Department of Chemistry. Recipient must be a US citizen and a graduate student in good academic standing and currently enrolled in the department at the time the funds are disbursed, recipient intends to pursue a career in industry.
  • Gerald and Susan Bass Scholarship: Upon his retirement from the Department of Chemistry in 1998, R. Gerald Bass, Ph.D., and his wife Susan established this endowment. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate or graduate chemistry student based on need or merit.
  • Lidia M. Vallarino Scholarship in Chemistry: Established by Lidia M. Vallarino-Quagliano, Ph.D., a professor in the VCU Department of Chemistry for 22 years, this scholarship honors a Ph.D. candidate in chemistry who demonstrates academic merit and need. Students must have successfully completed his/her cumulative exams.
  • Albert T. Sneden III Scholarship in Chemistry: The Albert T. Sneden III Scholarship in Chemistry was established by alumni, friends and associates of Sneden upon his retirement to honor his 28-year career at VCU. Sneden was the former executive associate dean of the college and is a professor emeritus in the Department of Chemistry. The scholarship is available to qualified undergraduate or graduate students majoring in chemistry who are in good academic standing.  Graduate student applicants should have at least a 3.0 GPA with no grade lower than a B. Undergraduate applicants must be current juniors or seniors who have a minimum GPA of 2.75 and are “true” chemistry majors (not pre-med students).

Other Scholarship Resources

From university-specific scholarships to national awards and grants, there are many options available for students to explore and apply for. We encourage all students to take advantage of these resources and apply for any scholarships for which they may be eligible.

Health Insurance

VCU provides health insurance for all graduate students.