John B. Fenn Annual Lecture

The John B. Fenn Lecture honors the life of VCU’s only Nobel Prize Winner.

Dr. Fenn joined the faculty at VCU in 1994 and received the Nobel Prize in 2002 for the development of electrospray ionization. The invention revolutionized the study of large biomolecules including proteins and DNA. He is remembered as a spirited colleague who was devoted to innovation and education.

Event Details

Date: Thursday, April 11, 2024
Time: 4:00 - 5:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m reception
Location: Harris Hall 101


"How a Single Mutation in CFTR Causes the Systemic Disease Cystic Fibrosis: Interactions, PTMs and Structure"

Speaker Bio

John R. Yates is the Ernest W. Hahn Professor in the Departments of Molecular Medicine and Neurobiology at The Scripps Research Institute. He received a B.A. in Zoology and an M.S. in Chemistry from the University of Maine at Orono. He obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry at the University of Virginia in the laboratory of Donald F. Hunt. He performed postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Leroy E. Hood at California Institute of Technology. At the University of Washington, he obtained the rank of associate professor with tenure before moving to The Scripps Research Institute.

His research interests include development of integrated methods for tandem mass spectrometry analysis of protein mixtures, bioinformatics using mass spectrometry data, and biological studies involving proteomics. He is the lead inventor of the SEQUEST software for correlating tandem mass spectrometry data to sequences in the database and developer of the shotgun proteomics technique for the analysis of protein mixtures. His laboratory has developed the use of proteomic techniques to analyze protein complexes, posttranslational modifications, organelles and quantitative analysis of protein expression for the discovery of new biology.

Many proteomic approaches developed by Yates have become a national and international resource to many investigators in the scientific community.

Past Speakers

  • 2024 - John R. Yates III, Ph.D., Scripps Research
  • 2022 - David C. Muddiman, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
  • 2021 - Michael C. Fitzgerald, Ph.D., Duke University
  • 2018 - Richard D. Smith, Ph.D., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • 2016 - Michael T. Bowers, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
  • 2015 - Richard N. Zar, Ph.D., Stanford University
  • 2014 - Dudley Herschbach, Ph.D., Harvard University
  • 2013 - Joel M. Harris, Ph.D., University of Utah
  • 2012 - Vicki Wysocki, Ph.D., The Ohio State University