Sally Hunnicutt

Sally Hunnicutt, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Faculty

Academic Affairs Science and Mathematics Professor

Oliver Hall, room 3035



  • Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 1990
  • M.S., University of Utah, 1986
  • A.B., Duke University, 1983 

Research Interests

Our chemical education research interests relate to the creation, use, and impacts of guided inquiry in different classroom environments.  Our current project focuses on revising physical chemistry laboratory experiments to incorporate guided inquiry and examining the effects of those changes on faculty and students.  The project is titled POGIL-PCL, Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning® – Physical Chemistry Laboratory. New experiments are developed collaboratively with physical chemistry faculty from across the United States at workshops, which take place at VCU.

Select Publications

Grushow, A.*, Hunnicutt, S. S., Muniz, M., Reisner, B., Schaertel, S., Whitnell, R. “Journal of Chemical Education Call for Papers: Special Issue on New Visions for Teaching Chemistry Laboratory,” J. Chem. Educ., 2021, 98, 3409-3411.

Liyanage, D. Lo, S. M., Hunnicutt, S. S., “Student Discourse Networks and Instructor Facilitation in Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Physical Chemistry Classes,” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract, 2021, 22, 93-104.

Cottom, T. M., Hunnicutt, S., & Johnson, J. A. “The Ties that Corporatize: A Social Network Analysis of University Presidents as Vectors of Higher Education Corporatization,” The Social Science Journal, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/03623319.2021.1956279.

Cole, R.; Muniz, M.; Harvey, E.; Sweeney, R.; Hunnicutt, S. "How Should Apples Be Prepared for a Fruit Salad? A Guided Inquiry Physical Chemistry Experiment" J. Chem. Educ., 2020, 97, 4475-4481.

S. S. Hunnicutt, S. M. Ruder, E. Yezierski, K. Ameral, C. Bauer. “Chapter 8. POGIL in the Large Classroom” in POGIL: An Introduction to Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning for Those Who Wish to Empower Learners, S. Simonson, ed. Stylus. 2019.


  • 2014, VCU Distinguished Teaching Award
  • 2012, VCU College of Humanities & Sciences Teaching Award
  • 1989, Procter & Gamble American Chemical Society Division of Physical Chemistry Award