Joseph Turner

Joseph Turner, Ph.D.

Director of Instrumentation

Service Professor

(804) 828-5377

Grace E Harris Hall South, room 3015


  • Ph.D., University of Missouri
  • B.A., Westminster College

Select Publications

Elizabeth Keily, Arif M. Sikder, Joseph B McGee Turner, Jonathan Suh, Daniel Boehling, S. Leigh McCallister, “Fossil Shell Color and Trace Element Concentration as Indicators of the Paleoenvironments of the Piney Point Formation at the Pamunkey River, Virginia Coastal Plain ”Online Journal of Earth Science, 01/2014

Backus, R. C., Cave, N. J., Ganjam, V. K., Turner, J. B M. and Biourge, V. C. , Age and body weight effects on glucose and insulin tolerance in colony cats maintained since weaning on high dietary carbohydrate. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2010.

Schooley, Elizabeth K.; Turner, Joseph B McGee; Jili, Renee D.; Spinka, Christine M.; Reinero, Carol R. Effects of cyproheptadine and cetirizine on eosinophilic airway inflammation in cats with experimentally induced asthma. American Journal of Veterinary Research (2007), 68(11), 1265-1271.

Kauffman, John F.; Turner, Joseph M.; Alabugin, Igor V.; Breiner, Boris; Kovalenko, Serguei V.; Badaeva, Ekaterina A.; Masunov, Arteem; Tretiak, Sergei. Two-Photon Excitation of Substituted Enediynes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2006), 110(1), 241-251.

Turner, Joseph M.; Karl, Maurice W.; Kauffman, John F. Spectroscopic signatures of protonated perylene in concentrated sulfuric acid. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry (2004), 163(3), 433-438.


  • American Chemical Society, 2002-present
  • American Society for Mass Spectrometry 
  • Optical Society of America 
  • International Mass Spectrometry Society
  • International Microcircuits and Packaging Society, 2001-05